Monday, August 21, 2017

Mauri ngkami

Mauri ngkami!

The weeks are already starting to go by quick, I hit a month in Kiribati on Thursday! The theme of this past week I will label as "perspective". There are a lot things that happen in our lives that if we look at them with a different perspective, they take on new meaning. For example, playing the game "Sorry!" in Kiribati is way different than playing it in America (the game is really popular here, and there are some people who can count the cards, it is crazy. this old-timer would show me the cards he would use to knock me out with right before he played them and then just laugh). another example: the brand Abercrombie and Fitch has a knockoff called "Abckokoiee and Fifoe" here- no joke.
But in a more spiritual sense, sometimes people do things, that, from our perspective, don't make too much sense. Sometimes we maybe think 100% we are right (if you knew me well before I left, you probably recognized that I thought that a lot) and that because we are sure we are correct, it gives us the right to pass judgment/override the agency of someone else. But that is not the way the Lord works- after all, if I, an imperfect person, believe that I am 100% right about a certain thing- think about how certain Heavenly Father and Christ are that they are 100% correct when they tell us to live the Gospel. The Lord doesn;t force us however, because he respects our agency lets us make our own decisions. So, for us, when someone does something we don't understand, try first to see it from their perspective, and then afterward choose to help them with the consequences, rather than judge them for it. There is something I need to work on

Have a great week,
Elder Farner

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