Monday, March 26, 2018

I tangiri ngkami

I would like to share an experience. Recently we haven't had very many new investigators and it was Sunday and we still had 0 new investigators for the week. We have a large teaching pool so I wasn't too worried about it, but we still read the first section of chapter 9 in PMG about finding people. The blessing came later that day when we lessoned with an investigator that I hadn't seen in a while and when we went to visit, her husband was there and sat in on the lesson in which we re-introduced the Book of Mormon to her and introduced it to him for the first time. His response was one of the most enthusiastic responses about reading and praying about the Book of Mormon. It was a testament to the words in PMG that go along the lines of "there are people being prepared to meet you".
Anyway, this last week was full of animal fatalities. Our landlord's cat got hit by a car or something because it was lying on the side of the road, another cat got hit by a car. And this last one is interesting: So our landlord has a bunch of baby pigs that were born a couple of weeks ago, and right now they are moving some of them from their mother, and to prevent them from always trying to run back to their mother, they stick them into bags and leave them in there for three days without any food (I think the thought is that they won't care where they get food as long as they get it once they get out of the bag, so they don't run to their mother anymore). Our landlord went to another part of the island for the weekend with his family and so one of the pigs that was in the bag got bitten by their dog so that was the third death. Just an interesting glimpse into some of the lesser happenings at the house.
The church is true, missionary work is true. Don't let the small stuff "eclipse' the bigger stuff in life, eternity is too important to lose out on temple blessings.
Tiabo ngkami
I tangiri ngkami
Elder Farner

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